You're one-of-a-kind

Your life should be too 

That's why our work together is as individual & audacious as you. No bullshit templates or one-size-fits-all advice. Just pure, personalized, kickass support tailored to YOUR bold vision and YOUR audacious goals

I've worked with Fortune-50 companies, scrappy start-ups, non-profits at both the national and local levels, and individuals just like you - FOR 3 DECADES! - making epic shit happen.

Epic as-in...

 - delivering multi-million dollar strategic projects that change the trajectory and future of the business

 - a stay-at-home mom submitting the paperwork for her local non-profit idea and holding her first events

 - a recent divorcee wanting to rebuild their life after the dumpster fire of the divorce

- a new brick and mortar business owner wanting to be a better boss while also making sure the store is profitable

and everything in-between.

And I can help you too. The self-doubt, second-guessing, and fears it may not work out as you'd hoped are always going to be a part of your unique journey.

I know that because you're a human with a human brain. I also know how to help YOU step into becoming and being the person who...

 - takes their dreams seriously instead of sweeping them into the dark corners of your brain 

 - takes actions on those dreams in spite of the doubts and fears (again...normal)

- and do so without burning out or white knuckling it because if that'd be living the life you ultimately want (not just a "good" life) by now

Because I've done it many many times in the past 3 decades.

Each time unique.  Each person and team unique. Each situation unique. Each dream unique. Each set of circumstances and complexities unique.

Shall we?

Let's talk. I would love to support you in this next iteration.

I will help...

 - Remind you of the badass you've always been (even when you forget)

 - Show you what you're capable of (spoiler alert: it's way more than you think and I'll help you prove it to yourself)

 - Protect your energies and boundaries as fiercely as a mama bear with newborn cubs

 - Help you build that "just fucking watch me" energy that makes you unstoppable

 - Nudge (or push...up to you) you to take courageous action even when it scares the shit out of you 

 - Call you on your bullshit (lovingly, of course) when you're getting in your own way

 - Teach you how to give fewer fucks about what others think and more about what YOU want

Ready to turn your someday...maybe? into fuck yeah, absolutely!

let's make your fuck yeah inevitable & turn those someday...maybes? Into just watch me!

Whether I'm talking to C-suites or fancy blue suits from one of the largest companies in the world or the CIO of a state agency or software development team tackling a strategic project with lots of unknowns or a best-selling author stuck on the plot of their next novel or talking to you over zoom with messy hair and pajama bottoms don't care...

I bring and do what only I can do best.

Helping individuals and teams:

 - translate dreams, goals, and visions (no matter how big or ambiguous or out of reach they may feel) into actionable, achievable plans

 - take action even with unknowns and self-doubt and second guessing and feeling scared shitless and everything in between

 - become the person who deeply believes that what they want is possible and they absolutely have what it takes to make it happen

In our work together, we:

Get clear on what YOU actually want so you don't waste another moment of mental energy trying to figure it out and can instead, get to doing

Create a realistic roadmap to make it happen so you know exactly where to focus your efforts

Take intentional & purposeful action because you can't think your way to what you want (I tried and yeah...12/10 don't recommend)

All while navigating whatever obstacles and challenge come up whether it's from your own brain or circumstances

I'M JEN VERTANEN. A one-of-a-kind partner for one-of-a-kind, tenacious possibility chasers


I wish I could hire Jen again but she did such a great job helping me figure my shit out and start living my life for ME that...I don't need to, lol.
~ B.D.

jen is refreshingly unapologetic and truly an expert helping you navigate the b.s., get out of your own way, and take action on your most important goals & dreams quickly ~ r.k.

Jen helped me get clear on what I actually wanted and quickly helped me go from feeling overwhelmed and full of self-doubt TO seeing the path forward and excited about my life again. I am so freaking grateful. ~ N.E.

What I love about working with Jen is she is seriously no B. S. AND super fun AND helped me feel safe getting outside my comfort zone AND helped me take massive action. ~ D.W.

HOLY HELL is that woman magic. just pure fucking magic. ~ J. U.

kickstart your best damn life!

The work we do together is custom designed and tailored to YOU.

What YOU want for and from your life.
Who YOU want to be.
How YOUR brain best works (ND and all!)
The very real circumstances of YOUR life.
YOUR strengths and brilliance.
The audacious dreams YOU'RE ready to turn into FUCK YEAH realities.

We co-create exactly what is going to give YOU the support you need and it all starts with a Spotlight On Your Fuck Yeah Future 60-min session.

All for $250 (slightly discounted from my normal rates and can be applied to a package if you decide to continue working together).

This one-off session is for action-takers ready to take the next steps.

We'll talk about your goals, challenges, timelines, deepest desires, and how we can work together in ways the best support you including your budget to make it happen.

And if you decide you're more of a DIY'er, I guarantee you'll walk away with greater clarity, excitement at the myriad possibilities, and exact next steps to start making it happen.

book your kickstart your best damn life session here

"Working with Jen feels like coming home at the end of a long day, whipping off your bra & getting into your pjs, sinking down into a comfy chair with your cozy blanket and a glass of red, and taking the deepest breath you've taken all day...and then she drops an innuendo that has you laughing your ass off...."

What can it look like?

 - Ongoing coaching whether it's weekly, bi-weekly, once a month, etc. for however long you need (as long as you're moving forward!)

 - A one day intensive where we roll up our sleeves and GET SHIT DONE

 - Quarterly strategy and planning sessions

 - Async coaching through Telegram, Voxer, or WhatsApp (voice, text notes, and funny memes) 

- Custom workshop(s) for your team or group


or any combination of the above or something else entirely...whatever works best for you & your needs

We'll craft a kick-ass package that fits you AND your wallet. Want to spread out the payments? Not a problem and there's no penalty for doing so.

We work with what makes the most sense for you because let's face it - investing in your Fuck Yeah Future shouldn't leave you eating ramen for dinner (unless that's your thing, then slurp away, my friend).

book your spotlight on your fuck yeah future session here

What to expect as we work together 

clarity & vision

I guide you through specific exercises to get clear on your vision of A Fuck Yeah Life, Bold AF Visions, values, and priorities so you're making aligned decisions that support what you want and need in life

mindset & deep self-belief

We work on anything & everything getting in your way. Fear, mindset, limiting beliefs, patterns, understanding the role society has played in all of it so you can stop beating yourself up already

strategy & LOADS OF ACTION

We quickly build forward momentum  with unique strategies and actions that partner with your brain so you can manage fear, stress & overwhelm as you make progress on your Bold AF Visions


Having the right person in your back pocket supporting you as you're taking action makes all the difference in the world. Work with me and you are never left hanging with support in-between calls

becoming the PERSON who...

Love the powerful energy you're stepping into as you unapologetically give yourself permission to own your vision & dreams
Permission is just as important as your vision!


Learn individualized tools and techniques that help you know how to always orient yourself back to operating from a place of empowerment when life lifes. Make living your Fuck Yeah Life INEVITABLE

© 2024 Jen Vertanen & A your best damn life



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Get the Cycle Breaker's Manifesto from Living Your Best Damn Life Ep. 1!

Grab your very own copy of The Cycle Breaker's Manifesto from Ep 1: Daring to Live Differently
  of Living Your Best Damn Life!