your best damn life
journey starts here

Your Revolution Starts With YOU

As Seen In

From Playing it Safe to Creating Change, Building a Legacy, & Breaking Cycles

Because you KNOW in your bones...

You're the cycle breaker they never saw coming

You're done watching "that's just how it is" wreak unholy havoc another generation

Your ideas will create ripples long after you're gone

And that voice telling you to stay small, stay quiet, stay in your lane so others don't get uncomfortable with their mediocre choices?

It's time to kindly tell it to go to hell

You've got BIG dreams living rent free in that brilliant brain of yours

As someone here to make a difference and break cycles and build a legacy...this isn't just about you

it's about every life you'll touch 

And when you learn how to get out of your own way while treating yourself as the whole-ass human being you are instead of yet another productivity robot churning out someone else's version of success?

your dreams, visions, goals? they become pretty damn near inevitable 

The world doesn't need another person hustlin' harder for "happiness" someday

and we're not talking the play-it-safe kind either

Hi hi! I'm

Rebel. Disruptor. Mentor. Change-Maker. mama to the Eldest Daughter of the Eldest Daughter of the Eldest Daughter of the eldest daughter. Coach. Consultant. F-Bomb Droppin' Cheerleader. Strategic Partner.

I have 30+ years experience & expertise helping folks get out of their way to make their visions & dreams a reality - from Fortune 50 behemoths to scrappy start-ups to people just like you - all with a strong desire to make a tangible difference in the world no matter how big or small

My superpower is saving you YEARS of overthinking and frustration and the constant overwhelm that comes with knowing you're made for more but not being able to do a damn thing about it because you feel stuck

When you stop forcing yourself into someone else's productivity box and start creating epic shit YOUR way? That's when the magic happens

Bonus? What you learn extends well beyond our time together. You will always know what you need and belief that you can make it happen

What does your revolution of difference making, legacy building, cycle breaking look like?

Starting a non-profit to help your local community?

Writing a book & speaking on stages to share your story to help others know they're not alone and there's absolutely hope?

Creating a business that builds generational wealth and tears down harmful, outdated systems?

Selling everything & going on the adventure of a lifetime as you recover from severe burnout so you can come back full of new possibilities for meaningful change?

Rebuilding yourself from a dumpster fire of a divorce?

Creating life-changing programs for under-served communities?

Getting involved in local government because change happens from the ground up?

Building a community for eldest daughters breaking generational traumas (Hi..I'm an eldest daughter)?

You've been feeling called for a while now

HOW ABOUT MAKING A POWERFUL DECISION TODAY TO SAY it's time to step into being the person who makes their difference making, cycle breaking, legacy building dreams a reality?

be. dare. create.

We start with YOUR definition of living your best damn life and who you're intentionally choosing to BE. The you when you're unapologetic and give zero fucks about fitting in and believe in yourself as hard as you believe in your best friends and you're lit up with that "just fucking watch me" energy that's so damn magnetic and especially when you're ready to burn down whatever stands between you and your dreams. Because the person you become when you're taking up that kind of space? That's who changes the whole damn game

We DARE you to think even bigger as we dig around for that vision living rent-free in your head feeling too hairy scary to handle. You know the one because it makes your heart race and your hands shake. Together we work on turning that excitingly scary dream into your reality with a roadmap that doesn't feel like pulling teeth as you take bold action, even when scared shitless as you prove everyone wrong who said you "couldn't" or "shouldn't". Because the best damn plans? They light you up AND freak you out. That's how you know they're worth fighting for

my strategic partnership & proven framework makes it damn near inevitable for you to be living your best damn life

With your roadmap in place, we turn those dreams into "Holy shit, I just did that!?!!" moments. No more waiting. No more playing small. No more playing safe by someone else's rules. You're going to CREATE a life you love the hell out of while making the impact only YOU can make. We'll smash every "I can't" and "I shouldn't" that's been holding you back until you know - bone-deep - that you've got what it takes as I help you build unapologetic self-belief while taking the kind of action that changes everything

PROJECT: Your Best Damn Life

Using my proprietary framework, you stop wasting time:

thinking you don’t even know what you want (you do) or

thinking it’s not feasible (it is) or

wondering if you have what it takes (you absolutely do) or

who you want to be when you grow up (I even help you answer this)

And we do it all without a single SMART goal because yawn...


your best damn life
project starts here



LISTEN IN to your best damn life

grab your ✨free✨ guide

Unfiltered. Unapologetic. Real. No B.S. but always loving with expert wisdom, personal stories, & practical how-tos shared to help YOU live your best damn life

Grab your FREE guide to STOP letting self-doubt get in your way and START making progress on living your best damn life with actions you can take today

1:1 Coaching & Consulting - give yourself permission to do whatever it takes & make your best damn life inevitable in your difference making, legacy building, cycle breaking ways

ways we can work together

Your Best Damn Life ~ Dreams are cute. Action is revolutionary. You're not here to be cute.

A no B.S. blend of expert interviews, mini ass-kicking action plans, and raw behind-the-scenes stories from my boldest clients' transformations all wrapped up in our shared mission to make achieving your best damn life as simple, powerful, and fun as possible

From dream-chasing to cycle breaking, we're here to turn your "somedays" into "Fuck yeah, I did!" Subscribe now and get ready to live your best damn life unapologetically


© 2025 Jen Vertanen & your best damn life 

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Get the Cycle Breaker's Manifesto from Living Your Best Damn Life Ep. 1!

Grab your very own copy of The Cycle Breaker's Manifesto from Ep 1: Daring to Live Differently
  of Living Your Best Damn Life!